video killed the… blog

Although I fully intend to keep this blog running, it really is hard to maintain employment while using multiple online content formats to share my love of all things bikes. Ironically, this is the one that I pay for and I use it the least.. I’ve downgraded my plan, so if you’re reading this and see any unpleasant advertising please let me know so I can reassess that decision.

Over the last few months, I’ve been experimenting with a little bit of (very basic, no frills) video content as another possible avenue of answering common questions, reviewing/recommending products, etc. You can check out my YouTube channel here and feel free to let me know what kind of video content would be helpful/informative/entertaining!

(As always, my instagram is another way to stay up to date on my most recent bike adventures as well.)

Now back to planning some bike travel for this spring and summer.. can’t wait to share it with you!

video killed the… blog